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Welcome to our site speed optimization glossary! Here you will find definitions and explanations of common terms and concepts related to optimizing the loading speed of a website. From minifying code to reducing server response time, this glossary is a helpful resource for understanding the techniques and strategies used in site speed optimization.


Bounce Rate

The percentage of visitors who will leave a website without clicking on anything on the page.

Chromium browsers

Browsers that use some of Google's architecture and support all next-gen formats.

Compression Presets

Settings that compression tools use to reduce the size of media files that largely ignore the content of the files.

Compression Tool

A service that allows you to compress media files, usually with lossy compression techniques that hurt the image quality.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A service that allows you to compress media files, usually with lossy compression techniques that hurt the image quality.

Content Managment System (CMS)

An application that enables users to make a website or application, to create, publish and store digital content. Most websites use a CMS, like WordPress.

Content-Aware Cropping

Browsers that use some of Google's architecture and support all next-gen formats.

Conversion Rate (CVR)

Conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors that perform a desired action.

Core Web Vitals

A set of metrics Google has developed to measure website user experience. These measurements are for mobile and desktop and are based on field data (actual visitor data)

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

CLS measures how often layout shifts happen for real users, like a pop-up ad or the text suddenly moving out of its position as you scroll down.

Customer Aquisition Cost (CAC)

The total cost for a customer to perform a desired action, including anything beyond marketing costs, such as inventory or salaries.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

The average lifetime value of all your acquired customers.

Customer Retention Rate

The average lifetime value of all your acquired customers.

Customer Retention Rate

The percentage of customers who make a second purchase, or subscribe to a service.

Device-Adaptive Resizing

Deliver the best resolution for every screen and browser. Hundreds of variations for each media file. Our algorithm automatically resizes the images in the right format for every unique visitor automatically.

First Input Delay (FID)

FID measures the time it takes for your page to become interactive, when a user is able to click or press keys.

Google PageSpeed Index

An objective measurement of a website's performance from lab data. To determine these scores, Google mimics the user experience of an old Moto G phone on a 3g connection

Image Compression

Reducing the size of an image to make the file size smaller, usually with some quality compromise.


Key Performance Indicators: a quantifiable measure used to evaluate the success of an organization, employee, etc.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

LCP measures the time it takes for the largest piece of content on your website to load that appears in the top frame of your browser.

Lossless Compression

Compression that doesn't lose any quality, such as reformatting an image into a next-gen format.

Lossy Compression

Image or video compression that loses quality.

Neuroscience Media Optimization

Our proprietary technology that uses neuroscience to measure up to a 100 different points of interest to mirror human perception.This is how we are able to recreate media up to 99% smaller. We scrape away the data the human brain does not recognize.

Next-gen image formats

New formats like WebP and AVIF that are optimized for size and quality, better than JPEG and PNGs.

Old image formats

Formats like JPEG and PNG that are widely used across the internet.

PVCI (Psychovisual Compression Index)

SpeedSize™ proprietary tech that works as a quality control failsafe. Once the recreated media file is made it is compared to the original to ensure there is no visible quality loss.


A UTM code is a line of code that you can add to the end of a URL to track the performance of campaigns and content.

Video Compression

Reducing the size of a video to make the file size smaller, often with severe quality compromise.

Visual Lossless Size Reduction

Our media recreation is perceptibly lossless to the human eye. The results dwarf traditional compression.